Comparison of Two Edge Computing Frameworks: AWS Greengrass vs Azure IoT Edge

May 30, 2022

Comparison of Two Edge Computing Frameworks: AWS Greengrass vs Azure IoT Edge

Edge computing has been transforming the way we process data at the edge of networks, bringing computing power closer to the source of data. This technology has the potential to reduce network latency, costs, and improve data privacy. There are many edge computing frameworks available in the market, and we will be comparing two of the major ones - AWS Greengrass and Azure IoT Edge.

AWS Greengrass

AWS Greengrass is a flexible edge computing framework that allows local data processing, messaging, and machine learning at the edge of the network. Developers can build, deploy and manage applications on connected devices seamlessly. Key features of AWS Greengrass include:

  • Lambda Functions: AWS Greengrass provides a secure environment that can make use of Lambda functions to run code locally.
  • Message Broker: It has a message broker that supports multiple use cases such as fan-out, fan-in, and store-and-forward.
  • Offline Processing: Greengrass operates in an offline mode by default, allowing connected devices to operate even when the network is unavailable.
  • Easy Integration: AWS Greengrass has deep integrations with other AWS services, allowing it to create a seamless connection between edge devices and cloud services.

Some pros of AWS Greengrass include its ease of use, secure environment, and seamless integration with other AWS services. However, it can be a bit more expensive than other edge computing frameworks, especially for large-scale deployments.

Azure IoT Edge

Azure IoT Edge is a cloud-managed solution that facilitates IoT devices to operate locally with Azure services. It provides an environment to create edge modules that host custom logic for data processing and analysis. Key features of Azure IoT Edge include:

  • Modularity: Azure IoT Edge is modular and allows developers to create custom modules that can perform specific tasks using open-source toolkits such as Python and C#.
  • Sophisticated Execution: It has a sophisticated execution environment for edge modules that provide Docker compatibility, dependency management, and version control.
  • Hybrid Integrations: Azure IoT Edge has strong integrations with Azure IoT Hub and Azure IoT Central that allow seamless management of devices and data processing.

Azure IoT Edge has several advantages, including its modularity, compatibility with different programming languages, open-source toolkits, and hybrid integration capabilities with Azure. However, the learning curve for Azure IoT Edge is steeper, and managing the platform requires some expertise.

Comparison Table

Here is a comparison table that highlights the main features of both edge computing frameworks:

Feature AWS Greengrass Azure IoT Edge
Secure Yes Yes
Offline Yes No
Custom code Lambda functions Custom modules
Programming languages Fewer(Java, Python, Node.js) Many(Python, C#, .Net)
Integration Deep with other AWS services Hybrid integration with Azure IoT Hub and Central
Cost Expensive Affordable
Expertise Needed Easy to manage Some expertise required


Both AWS Greengrass and Azure IoT Edge are reliable edge computing frameworks that offer a range of features to develop and manage edge applications. AWS Greengrass provides easy integration with other AWS services, while Azure IoT Edge offers more modularity with an extensive range of programming languages to create custom edge applications. Choosing the best framework depends on your specific requirements and expertise.

We hope this comparison guide has helped you decide which edge computing framework is best suited for your next project. If you need more detailed information, please refer to the reference section below.


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